Meet Change Agent

David Todd



Development Consultant

Reverent Place Maker


Masters in the Art of Teaching

Executive Depth Coach

Real Estate Agent, licensed since 2004

Based in Kingston, New York

Land Acknowledgement

I honor the original people of this land, the Munsee Lenape, as well as their deep enduring connection to the Lenapehoking homeland. I also call this home and have a humble, growing relationship with this land and all that inhabits the Rondout watershed of the Hudson Valley.

As a heart-centered creator, connector, and teacher, David’s practice exists in service to beautiful and bountiful life.

David is a bit of a shape-shifter—part teacher and facilitator, part designer and strategist, part consultant and community developer to name a few. He’s been an educator for over 25 years and a real estate professional for over 20 years. He’s consulted and guided architects, developers, investors, builders, and entrepreneurs in the built environment through the adventures of aspirational projects and business transformations.

David has been a pioneer out on the fertile edges of regenerative real estate. It’s never been purely transactional for David, it’s always relational, aspirational, and rooted in wholeness. He's collaborated on residential Living Building Challenge and Passive House projects, cottage clusters and cohousing developments, and years of systemic community engagement to initiate the market transformation needed to support these efforts.

As a Managing Partner at Latitude, David’s work is devoted to field building, community development, and placemaking. He designs and initiates ecosystem partner engagement that cultivates strong, networked relationships across leading edge practitioners, aligned capital, and development partners.

At the heart of it all, David helps people, communities, and organizations develop culture, capability, and consciousness that honors life and enables flourishing.

This deeply ecological work rarely relies on textbook practices—it asks us to sense and respond in complex situations. It requires ongoing learning and attuned presence, and David is devoted to the ongoing inner work that lends potency and vitality to the outer work. He also weaves his real estate practice with executive depth coaching, men’s circles, and community workshop facilitation.

This work is a deep vocation for David, but beyond this he loves to get outside and move—year-round cold river plunges, #sunrisewonderwanders, twilight bike rides, and as much tennis in the park as possible. You’re likely to find him with a pencil behind his ear and a sketchbook in hand, ready to gather a few thoughts, map something out, dream up some housing type design or redesign some daily object that could be made more simply and beautifully.

Guiding Questions

What is required of me to enliven sacred connection between humans, Earth, and more-than-human life?

How can joy unlock new forms of resilience, creativity, and ways of communing?

How might we inspire capital investment that values and honors development at the pace of life and land?

David and his offering to the community altar

David presenting his offering to the community altar at the Regenerative Real Estate Gathering open ceremony (August 2022)

Explore David’s Current Home Listings ⟶


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David Todd